Welcome to the Sports Illustrated 1994 Multimedia Sports Almanac. Please check the information below for simple instructions on installing and running the Almanac on your Macintosh computer.
- Color Macintosh
- System 7.0 or higher (to save preference settings)
- QuickTime¬ 1.6
- Before running the Almanac, you must install QuickTime 1.6. To do so, insert the Sports Illustrated CD into your CD-ROM drive. A window appears on your desktop. Drag the QuickTime icon from the window into the System Folder on your hard drive. Restart your computer.
- Copy the appropriate Sports Illustrated files to your hard drive. You have three choices.
-- You can start the Sports Illustrated Almanac directly from the CD-ROM drive. This require no disk space on your hard drive, but the Almanac's performance will not be optimal.
-- You can drag the Almanac icon into a suitable location on your hard drive and start the program from there. This requires half a Megabyte of space on your hard drive, and will improve the performance of the Almanac noticeably.
-- You can drag the Almanac icon and the Almanac folder into a suitable location on your hard drive and start the program from there. This requires 37 Megabytes of space on your hard drive, and will improve the performance of the Almanac considerably.
- Allocate an appropriate amount of memory to the Almanac application. If your monitor uses 256 colors only, or if you are running the Almanac from the CD drive, you don't need to change the memory allocation. If your monitor uses more colors and you are running the Almanac from your hard drive, select the Almanac icon on your hard drive, then choose Get Info from the File menu. In the Get Info window, change the Preferred Size setting from 2600K to 4500K.
If you are running the Almanac from the CD-ROM drive, insert the Sports Illustrated CD into your CD-ROM drive and double-click the Sports Illustrated Almanac icon in the window that appears.
If you are running the Almanac from your hard drive, insert the Sports Illustrated CD into your CD-ROM drive and double-click the Sports Illustrated Almanac icon on your hard drive.
Note: The Preferences dialog allows you to save settings for the Almanac if you have System 7.0 or higher. If you are using an older System, the settings will be used for the current session only.